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How Does Fashion as a Form of Expression Capture Our Identities?

By: Meghan Ong


Identity Through Fashion

With fashion and clothing, we can find that with what we choose to wear these sorts of qualities such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, interests and hobbies, social class, and age form who you are. All these qualities intersect from your identity; clothing can almost help embrace some of these qualities and they do not all have to show at once through your style.  

How Social Class plays a role in fashion 

Within fashion, social class is also shown through this. With wealthier people wearing designer clothing and expensive brands. These upper-class people are the people needing to help change our world because of their ability. For them to create change it is essential as they hold a lot of power. If you were to see someone wealthy who displayed this, we would see that they hold power, have money, and quite possibly be more unfriendly. It is a common stereotype for “these types of people.” And that is exactly the thing with fashion and what you wear, Stereotypes, misjudged opinions come into play. This is something we simply cannot ignore since it is the way we are viewed for many important parts in are life. For example, a job interview, social media and what we wear when we post, events, and even school. However, it can also be hurtful and just mean. We criticize people for what they wear a lot of the time without knowing what someone could be going through and what their story is. It is simple to not make these judgements.


The pressure to have new clothes each year and even every month has ruined the way we think and has made people not be able to follow along with being able to pursue their culture and personality through fashion. The effect of social media and society pushing people to look a certain way makes it harder for self-expression to come into play. The phrase “it's easier said than done.” speaks volumes.

To The Interviews

I asked people from across the world and strangers where I live to share their thoughts on fashion. 


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